Registration Policy
The Joint Rex Breed Advisory Committee
Breeds which have been approved for use in outcrossing are: Abyssinian, Asian Shorthair, British Shorthair, Burmese, Korat & Thai. In addition, European Shorthair are permitted in the pedigrees of imported cats. All other breeds are listed as non-approved.
Note: Cats on the Genetic Register are not suitable to use for outcrossing.
Full Register
Devon Rex which have within the preceding three generations only Devon Rex. and in the fourth and Fifth generations only Devon Rex, Devon Rex Variants, Abyssinian, Asian Shorthair, British Shorthair, Burmese or Korat & Thai. In addition, European Shorthair are permitted in the pedigrees of imported cats.
Supplementary Register
Devon Rex which have within the preceding five generations only Devon Rex only Devon Rex, Devon Rex Variants, Abyssinian, Asian Shorthair, British Shorthair, Burmese or Korat. In addition, European Shorthair are permitted in the pedigrees of imported cats.
(See Reference Register Note 4 for information on the possibility of a change from the Reference to Supplementary Register when a cat of good breed phenotype is an adult.)
Reference Register
1. Devon Rex Variants which have within the preceding five generations only Devon Rex, Devon Rex Variants, Abyssinian, Asian Shorthair, British Shorthair or Korat & Thai shall be registered on the Reference Register with a Devon Rex Variant breed number. In addition, European Shorthair are permitted in the pedigrees of imported cats.
2. Devon Rex and Devon Rex variants which have within the preceding five generations any non-approved breeds, including non-pedigree cats, shall be registered on the Reference Register. NB When kittens with one or both parents registered on the Reference Register are, under this Registration Policy, eligible to be registered on the Supplementary Register it is recommended that the person registering these kittens requests such registration and encloses documentary evidence of the five generations required. If this is not done the kittens may be registered on the Reference Register.
3. Normal coated cats produced from variant x variant matings will have no breed number only colour description and will be over-stamped 'may carry the Devon Rex gene'. Unless proven by DNA test to carry the DRX gene. If proven by test to carry the gene they are Devon Rex variants.
4. All cats resulting from matings between Devon Rex and any other rex coated breed will have no GEMS Code and will be over-stamped 'not recommended for breeding’. Their progeny will remain permanently on the reference register’.
5. Any cats of Devon Rex appearance, either Rex or normal coated, with Sphynx ancestry will be registered on the Reference Register and be over-stamped 'must not be used for Devon Rex breeding'. No progeny will ever be recognised or registered as Devon Rex or Devon Rex Variants.
6. All cats resulting from matings between Devon Rex and any longhaired breed will be overstamped 'carries the longhair gene'. Their progeny will be overstamped 'may carry the longhair gene'. Unless a vet certified DNA test demonstrates that a cat does not carry any of the Long Hair genes.
7. All cats proven by dna test to be longhaired, or with two longhaired parents, will be registered on the Reference register as Longhair and their progeny will be over-stamped ‘carries the longhair gene’.
NOTE 1: Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome (CMS) (Previously referred to as Muscular Dystrophy, Myopathy or Spasticity)
Devon Rex and Devon Rex Variants may be registered on the Active Register with effect from 5.10.2016 only if they have themselves been genetically tested as normal for the CMS gene, or their parents have been tested normal, or cats on every pedigree line in previous generations have tested normal. Pedigree line means both parents and four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, sixteen great-greatgrandparents and so on, or any combination of the same which is inclusive of both the sire's and dam's ancestors. Devon Rex and Devon Rex Variants which have not been genetically tested or which have been genetically tested as carriers of this gene shall be registered on the Non-Active Register or the Genetic Register. Any such cats which are already registered on the Active Register shall be moved to the Genetic Register. Offspring of cats registered on the Genetic Register may only be registered on the Active Register if they have themselves been genetically tested as normal for this gene. All other offspring of cats registered on the Genetic Register shall be registered on the Non-Active Register or the Genetic Register.
NOTE 2: In accordance with GCCF Rules, Section 1, rule 1g, before the registration of any white Devon Rex or white Devon Rex Variant, on the active register a BAER or OAE certificate of freedom from deafness for the cat to be registered must be supplied to the GCCF. For identification purposes cats must be micro chipped prior to testing.
NOTE 3: All DNA samples for testing with the results to be submitted in support of registrations must be taken and certified by a vet. For identification purposes cats must be microchipped prior to testing and the number clearly shown on all documentation and the cat’s own veterinary record.
NOTE 4: In accordance with GCCF Rules, Section 1, rule 12c ii, the Devon Rex Registration policy stipulates that cats (and their progeny) with registered parents who conform sufficiently to the breed phenotype, as defined by the Standard of Points, may be re-allocated to the Supplementary Register from the Reference Register and so be eligible for competition in GCCF shows. The opinion of at least three Full Judges of the breed would be required in support from occasions when the cat is shown as an adult in exhibition with critique classes.
Breeds which have been approved for use in outcrossing are: Abyssinian, Asian Shorthair, British Shorthair, Burmese, Korat & Thai. In addition, European Shorthair are permitted in the pedigrees of imported cats. All other breeds are listed as non-approved.
Note: Cats on the Genetic Register are not suitable to use for outcrossing.
Full Register
Devon Rex which have within the preceding three generations only Devon Rex. and in the fourth and Fifth generations only Devon Rex, Devon Rex Variants, Abyssinian, Asian Shorthair, British Shorthair, Burmese or Korat & Thai. In addition, European Shorthair are permitted in the pedigrees of imported cats.
Supplementary Register
Devon Rex which have within the preceding five generations only Devon Rex only Devon Rex, Devon Rex Variants, Abyssinian, Asian Shorthair, British Shorthair, Burmese or Korat. In addition, European Shorthair are permitted in the pedigrees of imported cats.
(See Reference Register Note 4 for information on the possibility of a change from the Reference to Supplementary Register when a cat of good breed phenotype is an adult.)
Reference Register
1. Devon Rex Variants which have within the preceding five generations only Devon Rex, Devon Rex Variants, Abyssinian, Asian Shorthair, British Shorthair or Korat & Thai shall be registered on the Reference Register with a Devon Rex Variant breed number. In addition, European Shorthair are permitted in the pedigrees of imported cats.
2. Devon Rex and Devon Rex variants which have within the preceding five generations any non-approved breeds, including non-pedigree cats, shall be registered on the Reference Register. NB When kittens with one or both parents registered on the Reference Register are, under this Registration Policy, eligible to be registered on the Supplementary Register it is recommended that the person registering these kittens requests such registration and encloses documentary evidence of the five generations required. If this is not done the kittens may be registered on the Reference Register.
3. Normal coated cats produced from variant x variant matings will have no breed number only colour description and will be over-stamped 'may carry the Devon Rex gene'. Unless proven by DNA test to carry the DRX gene. If proven by test to carry the gene they are Devon Rex variants.
4. All cats resulting from matings between Devon Rex and any other rex coated breed will have no GEMS Code and will be over-stamped 'not recommended for breeding’. Their progeny will remain permanently on the reference register’.
5. Any cats of Devon Rex appearance, either Rex or normal coated, with Sphynx ancestry will be registered on the Reference Register and be over-stamped 'must not be used for Devon Rex breeding'. No progeny will ever be recognised or registered as Devon Rex or Devon Rex Variants.
6. All cats resulting from matings between Devon Rex and any longhaired breed will be overstamped 'carries the longhair gene'. Their progeny will be overstamped 'may carry the longhair gene'. Unless a vet certified DNA test demonstrates that a cat does not carry any of the Long Hair genes.
7. All cats proven by dna test to be longhaired, or with two longhaired parents, will be registered on the Reference register as Longhair and their progeny will be over-stamped ‘carries the longhair gene’.
NOTE 1: Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome (CMS) (Previously referred to as Muscular Dystrophy, Myopathy or Spasticity)
Devon Rex and Devon Rex Variants may be registered on the Active Register with effect from 5.10.2016 only if they have themselves been genetically tested as normal for the CMS gene, or their parents have been tested normal, or cats on every pedigree line in previous generations have tested normal. Pedigree line means both parents and four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, sixteen great-greatgrandparents and so on, or any combination of the same which is inclusive of both the sire's and dam's ancestors. Devon Rex and Devon Rex Variants which have not been genetically tested or which have been genetically tested as carriers of this gene shall be registered on the Non-Active Register or the Genetic Register. Any such cats which are already registered on the Active Register shall be moved to the Genetic Register. Offspring of cats registered on the Genetic Register may only be registered on the Active Register if they have themselves been genetically tested as normal for this gene. All other offspring of cats registered on the Genetic Register shall be registered on the Non-Active Register or the Genetic Register.
NOTE 2: In accordance with GCCF Rules, Section 1, rule 1g, before the registration of any white Devon Rex or white Devon Rex Variant, on the active register a BAER or OAE certificate of freedom from deafness for the cat to be registered must be supplied to the GCCF. For identification purposes cats must be micro chipped prior to testing.
NOTE 3: All DNA samples for testing with the results to be submitted in support of registrations must be taken and certified by a vet. For identification purposes cats must be microchipped prior to testing and the number clearly shown on all documentation and the cat’s own veterinary record.
NOTE 4: In accordance with GCCF Rules, Section 1, rule 12c ii, the Devon Rex Registration policy stipulates that cats (and their progeny) with registered parents who conform sufficiently to the breed phenotype, as defined by the Standard of Points, may be re-allocated to the Supplementary Register from the Reference Register and so be eligible for competition in GCCF shows. The opinion of at least three Full Judges of the breed would be required in support from occasions when the cat is shown as an adult in exhibition with critique classes.